Juan Carlos Martinez Barrio
/ Project ManagerJuan Carlos has a Bachelor in Economics and an International MBA, and has an extensive career as financial risk analyst. Currently, he is Director of Project Development and Training Departments at CEEI-Burgos. In this role, he is project manager of several European projects, both leading and developing the framework of different programmes including Interreg Europe, IVC and SUDOE, Erasmus +, H2020, FP7, etc. He is the responsible for CEEI-Burgos’ internalization activities and for the microfinace programme (design and implementation of risk analysis methodology and credit officer), as well as an EU funding expert and proposals writer. He is founder and partner of language-training companies Castilla Languages SL and Anglocenter SL and the author of "El libro de los sueños" (The Book of Dreams) and "La noche sobre los dos ríos" (The Night atop Two Rivers).