DeFine Info Day – Budapest
You are invited to Budapest for a discussion among social partners to strengthen the contribution towards innovation, entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainable production in the TCLF sector, exchanging experiences and showing examples of international best practices.
• Confidence and Transparency within the Leather Industry by OEKO-TEX® – Practice-oriented Training at the International Shoe Competence Center Pirmasens
Dr. Ines Aderie, PFI (DE)
• Innovations of the Portugal Footwear Industry
Rita Souto, CTCP (P)
• Improving Vocational Training and Health & Safety in the Workplace – The OiRA Tool
Szabolcs Beőthy-Fehér, Trade Union of Mine, Energy and Industry Workers (HU)
• Leather – a sustainable example
The “Social and Environmental Reporting of Leather Industry -SER2020” Project
G. Gonzalez-Quijano, Secretary General, COTANCE (BE)
• Protecting Leather Authenticity – Best Practices and Hungarian Examples
Ferenc Schmél, TechnOrg (HU)
Official language: English and Hungarian (simultaneous interpretation will be provided)
Audience: Designers, representatives of textile, garment, leather and shoe manufacturing companies, associations, chambers, students and teachers from schools and universities. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.
Partner organisation: Hungarian Society of Textile Technology and Science (TMTE).
Registration: Registrations are now closed.
Deadline for registration: 20th November 2019
(Please be aware that agenda may be subject to change)
Hourly Schedule
- 9am - 9.30am
- Registration
- 9.30 - 9.40
- Welcome Speeches
- Dr. Livia Kokas Palicska, Tanas Keleti, President of Hungarian Social Dialogue for the TCLF sector
- 9.40am - 10.20am
- European Programmes supporting Smart Textiles and FashionTech Innovators and Start-ups: The DeFINE and SmartX projects
- Lutz Walter, EURATEX (BE) & Danièle Clutier, Institut Français de la Mode (FR)
- 10.20am - 10.50am
- Innovation within the Hungarian fashion industry – “Budapest Select”, the New Umbrella Brand and the Mentoring Program of the HFDA
- Zsófia Bata-Jakab, Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency (HU)
- 10.50am - 11.20am
- The Appreciation of Peripheral Industry Concentrations? Transforming Geography of the Hungarian Leather and Footwear Industry
- Ernő Molnár, University of Debrecen (HU)
- 11.20am - 11.40am
- Coffee break
- 11.40am - 1.40pm
- European Sectoral Social Dialogue in the Leather Industry, Hungarian SER 2020 Workshop
- 1.40pm - 3pm
- Lunch, networking
- 3pm - 4.30pm
- Companies Committed to Sustainability and Award-Winning Designers
- • Attila Kovács – Master Shoemaker(HU) • Erika Pollák: School of Leather – Creative Workshop (HU) • Multifelt – Textile Recycling in ENTeR pilot case (HU)
- 4.30pm - 5pm
- Sustainable companies 2019 – Awards honoured by AHLI and TMTE